Como funciona el reloj de Ben 10?

¿Cómo funciona el reloj de Ben 10?

El Omnitrix funciona como un GPS, como se muestra en La Batalla Final. El Omnitrix puede alterar la ropa del usuario para ajustarse mejor a las formas alienígenas. Ben perdió esta función en Fuerza Alienígena porque el Omnitrix se recalibro. Ahora, nanomáquinas los descomponen y almacenan hasta su transformación final.

¿Cuánto tiempo duran las transformaciones de Ben 10?

Se consideran los 9 cortos de 2 minutos de Ben 10….Ben 10.

Alienígena Número de transformaciones
10/11 – Acuático y Wildvine 10
12 – Fantasmático 9
13/14 – Upchuck y Ditto 4
15 – Muy Grande 2

What is Sumo Slammers?

You can help by editing it . Sumo Slammers is a large franchise spawning up to video games, trading card games, slushifier machines, etc., which appears often in the series, of which Ben and Billy Billions are huge fans.

Is the Sumo Slammer TV show in Alien Force?

In the episode Monster Weather, is revealed that there is also a Sumo Slammer TV show. In The Final Battle: Part 1, Ben makes several indirect references to Alien Force while watching the show, and the series is a parody of the Ben 10 franchise. The sequel of Sumo Slammers that he watches in Alien Force is called Sumo Slammers: Hero Generation.

Does Ben watch Sumo Slammers in 3D?

In Catfight, Ben watched Sumo Slammers VI in 3D, with Rook, Rayona and Ester, though they did not wear 3D glasses. They watched the movie again at the end of the episode. In the episode Have I Got a Deal for You, Ben receives a rare Sumo Slammer Action Figure from Blarney T. Hokestar.

What is the rarest card in Sumo Slammers?

There is a Sumo Slammers card game which has different kinds of collecting cards. The Platinum card is the rarest card. According to Ben, there was only one Platinum card in the world. However, it was torn into two by Grandpa Max at the end of Rustbucket RIP . Sumo Slammers have a TV Series, as shown in Ben 24hrs.