
Como conseguir un Dragonite en Pokemon Go facil?

¿Cómo conseguir un Dragonite en Pokémon Go fácil?

Dónde encontrarlo y cómo conseguirlo

  1. Al ser un Pokémon de tipo dragón Dragonair puede aparecer en campos de golf, monumentos o sitios importantes o en los lugares de interés.
  2. Puede conseguirse evolucionando un Dragonair con 100 caramelos.
  3. Tiene una tasa de captura del 5% y una tasa de huida del 5%.

¿Cuál es el mejor pokémon para ganarle a Dragonite?

Para poder vencer a un Dragonite es recomendable tener pokémones con el ataque rayo de hielo (Ice Beam), las criaturas de ese tipo pueden ayudar a los entrenadores a derrotar al dragón. Así que si tienes un Lapras, Dewgong, Cloyster y Jynx puedes usarlos para atacar a Dragonite.

Do Dragonites always learn Draco Meteor?

Draco Meteor is unique in the fact that it can be taught to only Dragon-type Pokémon, but any Dragon type can learn it at any level, as long as it has maxed-out friendship. Arceus, although not a true Dragon-type, can learn this move only while holding the Draco Plate.

Can garchomp learn Draco Meteor?

Draco Meteor is a terrible move for Garchomp. Garchomp can make much better use of its attack by not wasting a move with a special one. Garchomp is a physical based Pokemon and wouldn’t make much use of it. A better alternative for Garchomp is Outrage. You can get it by breeding. Get a male Dragonite to level 64 and it will learn Outrage.

Can Draco Meteor be taught to Charizard?

3 votes. Best answer. No. There is absolutely no way at all to teach Charizard Draco Meteor, even though breeding. Draco Meteor is a move that is exclusive to Dragon type Pokemon, and unfortunately, the Mega Evolution wears off after the battle, thus making it Fire/Flying once again. However, Charizard can learn Dragon Pulse, Outrage, or Dragon

Where do you get Draco Meteor?

Draco Meteor. Location: Sootopolis City. In the north-eastern part of Sootopolis City is a house with this elderly gentleman within it. If you speak to him with a Dragon-type Pokémon of high happiness, he will teach it the special move, Draco Meteor.